by Serviços e Informações do Brasil



In partnership with the Federal Data Processing Service (SERPRO) and the Secretariat for the Coordination and Governance of the Patrimony of the Union (SPU), they present a digital channel for requests related to the properties of the union and its occupants / outsiders. To access you must be an occupant / owner registered with the SPU and have your active account at GovBR (https://gov.br/). If you are a legal representative of a Legal Entity, your account will need to be validated with an e-CNPJ Digital Certificate. Here you will find information on the Union properties occupied by you and you will also receive information on the possibility of acquisitions and redemption (only for rented properties). - See the real estate registration data.- Consult your financial history.- Avoid expiry of your forum, keeping your payments up to date.- Calculate transfer value and laudemium.- Issue your DARFs for payment of ordinary fees / forum in one touch.- Request redemption of forum and receive bank proposals for financing the amount. Check out these and other unique features.